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eResearch for Word users?


I'm back in Toowoomba after a week away at the eResearch Australasia 2008 conference in Melbourne. As usual I didn't live-blog any of it but I will try to post on my thoughts from the conference over the next week or so. Not sure how I go with that as I have stuff to prepare for the ARROW event in Brisbane next week, where I'm looking at the new OAI-ORE standard and for Open Standards 08 in Sydney where I'm talking about standards in the ICE context.

The peer-reviewed paper from era08 isnow available in the UQ repository it's just a PDF at present, as that's the way research is typically published. Very Web 0.5.

The Web 1.0 version, i.e. one that is actually in HTML will be out soon, as we are in the process of finalizing an ICE to ePrints hook-up at USQ. I'm aiming to post the paper, the poster and the presentation that I gave at the humanities workshop in Friday as an HTML package, with PDF versions as well.

I posted my poster here last week.