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Happy Open Access day


Chris Rusbridge points out that at the ARROW day on Tuesday week nobody mentioned Open Access Day.

I knew it was Open Access day when I was preparing my talk, and I meant to mention it but I forgot* as did everyone else, apparently. So happy Open Access day everyone. I hope this doesn't say anything too significant about the ARROW community. (I do have a theory that because ARROW became involved in a rather drawn out and complex software development and deployment process that there was a tendency to focus on technical matters over policy for some people some of the time and that some of us may have lost sight of why were we doing this in the first place.)

Ironically, I had an approach very shortly after I posted my talk, from the publisher of a toll-access publication, asking if I'd like to work up my talk into a paper. My first response was that yes I am interested. But maybe I should only bother with full OA publishers. [Update: I should have mention that Chris says that that's what he does]

Any advice? Should those of us in this business be making a point of doing everything as full open access (is that gold?)? Green? Some other colour I don't know about? The terminology in this space is very confusing I don't even know how to express my question!

[Update: I made a couple of minor edits to this post]

* I did remember that Wednseday was Ride to Work day and mention that in my presentation. I was sorry to miss out on riding (and two breakfasts) in Toowoomba but I didn't go so far as to bring a bike and take it for a gratuitous ride across the Brisbane CBD.