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ICE considered harmful


ICE Considered Harmful

I lead a project at USQ that rejoices in the name The Integrated Content Environment, ICE. We have had great success at getting people at USQ to use the system for writing courseware, and found that on the RUBRIC project it works well as a project intranet. Any document can be pushed to the web by dropping it into the project site, or sent to a blog via the Atom Publishing Protocol. There are several other great features ...

Hang on a minute. Why am I telling you this yet again? People at USQ didn't use it because I told them to, they used it because it helped them get the job done and they saw their colleagues using it. So I'm not going to go on about how great ICE is any more, I'm here to tell you that after the euphoria wears off depression will set in. And you will think bugs are crawling under your skin, which is called formication. Become an ICE user and you will become even uglier and your teeth will fall out.

Welcome to my War on Ice.

Here's picture I snapped of the back of a toilet door in the USQ library, where the Australian Government is joining me in warning you all about the dangers of using word processor styles to make XTML.
