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It's been pointed out by a few people that ICE is not a great name for a computer program, cos It is hard to find on Google. The ICE site is on page 2 for me. If I ask google for 'pages from Australia' ICE the computer program is number six. while ice the drug is number two.

But what about a new name that's better suited to people finding our project via search engines?

Someone suggested ICE-nine in honour of Kurt.

I have been playing with ICE and USQ. How about Squice, which is an anagram of USQ-ICE, which stands for University of Southern Queensland Integrated Content Environment. Love the results Google gives for squice. Mostly used as a name, but we also have:

Squice as a typo I think he meant 'sauce', maybe 'spice'

: Thats quite impressive, I don't think i can match that one. My last > "brev" involved Porcupine balls, bbcue squice and colby cheese. > > http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=148641392&blogID=218896609&MyToken=110507d9-ef32-42a6-a39b-ae421b8b3bf7

: The discussion is about toasted sandwiches the 'brev' is a breville brand toasted sandwich maker.

Squice as a variant of squeeze

: And i manage to squice out of them that my motherboard is > d-stepping( dont hawe a clue what that means ). > > ... > > The reason for wanting a new prosseor is that i want to squice > out the last juice from my pc so i can get more from out of my > radeon 800. If anyone hawe any ide about what i should do to get > things just a little faster than 2.4, or howe i can get the specs > i need pls reply. > > http://www.driverheaven.net/444903-post1.html

: And:

> that time i have a wonderfull chance to squice she's ass in back > stage dark way.......you know onething she's butts is realy hard > to squice.very tough butts ... > > http://www.dadesiforum.com/index.php?showtopic=3329&st=40

Something to do with engines?

: As for the squise (piston to head) 25-28 thou is fine (0.7mm) and > its what yamaha officially recomends on all their motors. STD R1 > squice on a 5PW is 0.8mm. Note however that the rods of the R1 are > pretty good and you can run even tighter 0.6mm squise with no > problems. > > http://www.r1-forum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-183617.html

What do you think of Squice?