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Come and see us at IDEA 2006


Representatives from the RUBRIC project and the ICE project will be at the IDEA conference, Victoria University Flinders Street Campus, Melbourne Australia 9-12 October 2006.

We'll be holding a couple of events.

I've copied the announcement below, and you can look at the IDEA site, but pay particular attention to:

ICE Workshop : afternoon of 11 October 2005 : This half day workshop provides a hands-on introduction to the Integrated Content Management System (ICE) system for producing web, print, and other electronic content using a word processor for authoring.

RUBRIC Reports : 12 October 2005 : The RUBRIC project is implementing best practice and assisting take-up of institutional repository based research infrastructure in regional Australian universities. The purpose of this day is to allow RUBRIC project partners to report on institutional repository best practices, solutions and issues. They will also discuss the future of institutional repositories in Australia. The day is aimed at anyone following institutional repository developments in the higher education sector of Australia, or anyone interested in establishing an institutional repository for themselves.

IDEA 2006 Integrated e-learning environments

Date : 9 - 12 October 2006

Venue : Victoria University Flinders Street Campus, Melbourne Australia

URL : http://www.adlaustralia.org/idea2006/

As a followup to the very successful IDEA 2004 and IDEA Summer 2005 events, the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) and Multimedia Victoria (MMV) would like to invite you to IDEA 2006, a series of e-learning events to be held at the Flinders Street Campus of Victoria University in Melbourne from 9 - 12 October, 2006.


There is growing recognition that Australians need access to quality online educational resources and services to support learning and research. To meet this demand, educational resources and services are increasingly being used beyond the bounds of their original organisations. The IDEA 2006 events will focus on common integration and interoperability solutions that enable these types of integrated e-learning environments.


IDEA 2006 is a series of workshops and forums spread over four days, each catering for slightly different audiences. For event details, please visit the DEA 2006 website: http://www.adlaustralia.org/idea2006/

Who should attend?

Those involved in planning, deploying and developing e-learning infrastructure and services for higher education. ICT managers responsible for e-learning infrastructure, vendors wishing to integrate their services into e-learning infrastructure, implementors of e-learning technology.

More information

Full program and registration details are available on the IDEA 2006 website: http://www.adlaustralia.org/idea2006/