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Fez Wiki is up


On July 12th Cameron Loudon and I visited Belinda Weaver and Christiaan Kortekaas of the APSR project to talk to them about Fez, which is software for making an Institutional Repository.

Fez has impressed at least one of the RUBRIC project managers enough to warrant more detailed evaluation than the simple tyre-kicking we have given it so far. But being a new, largely untested open source product there are a lot of questions we need to ask, about technical matters, bugs, and project governance.

Actually a lot a the questions are similar to those you need to ask of a commercial vendor. When is feature X coming? What's in version Y?

One of the joys of working with an open source project is, well, openness. Fez has a wiki, and the whole world is invited to go and help fill out their FAQ.

I just went added not only a question (What skill-set would I need to implement Fez?) but an answer I think is right(ish). Caroline Ayers wrote the answer.