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WP Interop Project: First documentation


Last time I wrote about a project to set up a system for making Word and OpenOffice work together to do genuine content management - and to give us Tim Bray's 'blog this' button for Word and OpenOffice.org. This is the first part of that project.

Today I have put up some preliminary documentation. This is all about word processing's one redeeming feature, styles. Styles are names that you can give to paragraphs: "Main heading", "Ordinary paragraph", "Quote", "Title". Stuff like that.

Example: you can tell the word processor that all the stuff you label with the style name "Main heading" should be made really big, say three inches high, in some really baroque font. And then you can come to your senses and choose a classic understated font in more modest size; and your entire oeuvre could be changed in a few seconds, because you always used styles and never just applied the dreaded direct formatting to make your document look right.

In the web world, if you use styles you're considered to be pretty classy. (For those of you who are not web-geeks that's a joke; the same system of naming things applies, but the names are called classes. And the system is called Cascading StyleSheets, CSS.)

The solution I'm going to build for the word processor interoperability project is to use styles to drive everything, based on tried and tested style systems developed at Standards Australia, RMIT and NextEd.

If you are going to try to get a wide variety of people to use this system then it may be challenging to get them all using styles. I have been involved in a few large-ish scale projects where we have successfully assisted people to use styles, but I hear from people involved in larger scale more distributed projects, working with general web content (particularly at RMIT) that they are thinking of relaxing the styles-only rule and trying to figure things out by interpreting formatting.

I also have more extensive notes on why I am sticking with styles for this project.

This document is a work in progress and will change, as I add more detail. Remember - we are going to add custom processing to both applications to get good, consistent XHTML output, leveraging but not relying on their built in features, so it matters not if the style sheet is output as good XHTML out of the box, it matters only that we can make good XHTML.