[View this page as PDF](/blog/2007/08/03/10-18-56.197151/100.pdf) Back in April, I was on a panel at an [AICTEC]( forum on [interoperability standards for IT]( in Education. > The Australian Information and Communications Technology in Education > Committee (AICTEC) encourages the advancement of teaching and learning > in Australia through the effective and efficient use of information > and communication technologies (ICT) and online services to enable all > sectors of education and training to contribute to the growth and > vitality of Australias society > and economy. > > <> I'm always happy to contribute to the growth and vitality of Australia's society. (Not too sure about the economy though. I think it might cause global warming). Anyway, at another meeting of a sub-group of AICTEC recently I was pleased to see that there's a [summary of the discussion]( (Warning! PDF) On **developing** content: > Dr Sefton noted that universities work with their own courseware > rather than collaborate and that portability in time and across campus > is important, as is the cost of producing content. Research > publications are usually in the form of PDFs, which are not > re-useable. The building of better workflow processes is important. On **discovering** content: > Mr Sefton noted that most people access content through a Google > search. Stable, long term infrastructure is required to enable > re-discoverability. He noted that the first university with all course > material online will have a huge marketing advantage. Looks like I got across a number of my main points effectively enough for someone to summarize them. And I didn't spill the beans about [USQ's open courseware]( even though I would have loved to be able to talk about it in that context.