On June 29th  I gave a demo of ICE at an event called [The Successful Repository]( Andrew Treloar, who says he is in charge of generating acronyms for projects named after pointy objects ([ARROW]( and [DART](, asked me a couple of questions. It happens that Andrew is the program chair for the AusWeb conference, where I gave my [paper]( ICE. AusWeb paper sessions are a bit unusual – instead of everyone talking for half an hour or so on their paper, with a few minutes for questions if you're lucky, presentations are much shorter. Three or four presenters talk for 10 minutes or so each, and then form a sort of a panel, and discussion starts. I have seen this work really well. So for my presentation on my ICE [paper]( at Ausweb I thought I might do a demonstration of ICE, using this very document. You can see the final presentation [on my site]( . It is generated from the same source document as this blog post. By the way, ICE is now using a system called [Slideous]( for web presentations which is apparently inspired by [Slidy]( Bron Dye of the RUBRIC project did the work to set up Slideous ICE templates. If you're reading this that means I was not torn to pieces by other AusWeb delegates.
# About this demo The demo will: 1. Show how I use ICE to write multipurpose documents. 2. Show-off ICE's new slide [presentation features]( (which I wrote about [earlier]( 3. Answer Andrew Treloar's questions. And any more questions that came up...
# Andrew's questions
# Why Python? ICE is written in Python because: 1. The Java programmers in our team at USQ were not confident of writing a cross-platform application. 2. Python ships with At this stage we use a different Python version, but some ICE code could be used with OOo in future... 3. Python can be compiled into stand alone executables for Mac OS X and Windows. 4. Python has all the libraries we need.
# I don't write courseware. Do I need ICE? I use ICE to look after my stuff (that is back it up, and keep track of document versions). Which stuff? Home : - This weblog. - A couple of book-proposals. - Admin stuff like tax spreadsheets.
# More stuff in ICE: RUBRIC project - Board documents and meeting packages. (book and web versions) - Technical reports - Papers like my [AusWeb paper]( Complete with automated link footnotes - Administrivia like forms - Coming soon – RUBRIC [web site](
# More stuff in ICE: ICE project - All the doco for ICE - The ICE [web site](
# More discussion from the AusWeb session The two other papers in the session with mine ([RikWik]( and [DotWikIE]( were wiki systems, so there was a bit of discussion about 'horses for courses'; how we need to have a variety of systems for different kinds of documents. A word processor is useful for longer documents, while Wikis are useful for note-style communal pages, such as the contacts page we keep for our proejct.
# But how do you enforce high quality? A fair bit of discussion was about how to keep standards high when ICE does not do content validation. - ICE is an enabler not a constrainer. - An XML system with a validating editor did not catch on with USQ lecturers. - A word processor based system seems more likely to succeed, but cannot do strict validation. - Schematron validation could be used to help 'health check' content. - A strict system can be very costly when exceptions are needed.
# More on quality - Quick feedback via automated XHTML formatting teaches people to [use styles]( - Complete course templates including the all major elements that should be there help most people to do an acceptable job. - USQ still has editorial services available for distance materials.
# Image handling in ICE? ICE deals with bit map images like this JPEG of me and Spensa... ![graphics1](/blog/2006/07/07/ausweb06/1.png) ... but vector graphics remain a huge problem for word processing in general. SVG support is missing from both Microsoft Word and Writer.